Friday, January 14, 2011

Take that, stomach virus!

So one of my roommates had a terrible stomach virus 2 days ago.  Sure enough, yesterday I felt like I had something going on know, stomach pain, along with the watery mouth I-feel-like-I'm-going-to-vom feeling.  Since I already had food poisoning in Barcelona, I am NOT trying to get sick again, no way.

It didn't help matters that I had to take a winding bus ride to the next town over to try to take care of getting my residence card.  Can you say car sickness?  Oh and please notice how I said "try" to take care of getting my ID card.  The office told my school that I did not need to make an appointment, yet when I get there ready to get the party started with all my necessary documents, they turned me away because I hadn't made an appt.  So not only did I feel crappy health-wise, the trip was a waste of time.  I was pretty frustrated.  Oh well, it could always be worse.  I think I was extra cranky because I haven't been sleeping well.  SO when I returned back to my apartment, I ate some chocolate to feel happier (and yes, it helped), and then I said goodnight.  I went to sleep around 6pm, and woke up today at 8am.  Take that, stomach virus.  A good 14 hours of sleep will def help fight any unwelcomed virus (but then again, I guess no virus is ever welcomed ha!)  The sleep helped...thankfully I'm feeling almost back to normal today.

During my frustrating afternoon, I had my first bout of homesickness...but today is a new day.  It was a rough afternoon---which can make anyone feel out of their comfort zone and just wanting to be back home, but I've got it good and it could always be worse. Also it's viernes (Friday)!  I have a short day at school today and then feliz fin de semana (happy weekend)! 

Happy Friday to all! 

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