Saturday, January 15, 2011

How offensive!!!

So after many meals full of wonderful breads and carbs, I decide to take advantage of this beautiful, sunny day and go out for a run. I had seen some men running outside here and there, so I thought no biggie. THE LOOKS I GOT! Wow, you would have thought I was streaking or something! They were so confused, surprised, disgusted, offended lol. And it wasn't like I was prancing around in skimpy workout clothes. Fully covered. Apparently female workouts consist of walking baby-sleeping-bag-wrapped babies in strollers and possibly very aerobic sessions on the bidet? I don't know? But hey Spain until I get a gym membership, get used to it because this American likes to eat!


  1. I wondered how the Spanish would react to a woman runner.

  2. Rachel, you are so funny! Keep it up, we love reading about your adventures!

  3. I'm spanish (female) and I run all the time when I was living there I don't see what's the big deal. But after reading where you staying I understand why.
