Friday, February 11, 2011

Utterly disgusted...

GeoTagged, [N38.68823, E4.10821]

By no means am I an expert on parenting, let alone do I have the slightest right to judge a parent, HOWEVER I am sorry I am judging this... I have seen on MULTIPLE occasions parents assisting their young children, anywhere between 2-4 years old, urinating AND defecating (just witnessed a 4 yr old taking care of business) in a street sewer out in broad daylight. Wide open spaces for everyone to see. The woman was bending over helping her daughter wipe, and she threw the soiled napkin in the sewer. How nasty. How was she not embarrassed? Are we out in the wilderness people? Bc I think we are in a civilized city. I understand some things you let slide for children. And it takes a lot to gross me out. But THAT was nasty and classless...


  1. seriously, every update makes me want to be there more than the last

  2. Jenny---big fat hen!!! nastyyyyyy!! haha i miss those little wackjobs. and you snood, more. how are you, mi amor? Zach--you are gonna love it here.
